"Hi, Can I get a number 4, hold the lube?"
"That'll be 12.99, please pull up to the first window."
Okay, I'm not exactly sure how it works, but the first Sex-toy Drive-thru service has "sprung up" in Huntsville, Alabama.
Convenience at its finest.
I've been reading through some articles and I'm questioning the convenience. News station WTAG says that in order to comply with Alabama state law, consumers must fill out a questionnaire stating the health purpose for such a purchase.
Filling out the questionnaire may just be more awkward than "sparkly dildo" showing up on your credit card statement.
My question is.. What does a drive thru say about Americans view on sex? I mean, now we don't even have to leave our cars to get a sex toy. Are we that lazy?
You tell me. Is this a good idea?
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