Wednesday, September 22, 2010

From PostSecret...

Is this a relationship killer?

What is worse: A bad relationship with amazing sex, or an amazing relationship with bad sex?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sex Permission Slip?

I haven't had a parent sign a permission slip since I believe my 8th grade field trip. Now some colleges across the country are asking students to sign their own "permission slips"... for sex.

The consent forms are designed to protect ladies, and yes the guys as well, from being taken advantage of in sexual situations.

Some colleges even implement policies on having consent forms, available for print on the website. Here is a link to a sample consent form:

I will delve more into the topic of sexual assault on campuses later, but check out these statistics:

-90% of all campus rapes occur under the influence of alcohol.
-1 in 4 women in college today has been the victim of rape, and nearly 90% of them knew their rapist.
-Every 21 hours, there is another rape on an American college campus.

With statistics like these, it's questionable whether these forms are a proper means of protection or a way to prevent a university lawsuit.

Besides the point of claiming that these forms are for safety, by signing these you are making any romantic situation into a contracted agreement.

Sponteneity is out the door and I think a partner pulling out one of those forms could definitely ruin any "moment"...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

[Talking about] Sex: More is Better


I bet that caught your attention.

While it's true that sex is plastered all over America through magazine covers, television, and shopping malls, many feel uncomfortable discussing the topic.

People may find themselves having conversations about sex with peers and those they are close to, but others find the discomfort in, for example, a middle school student hearing about sex from his or her 60-year-old teacher.

Not only is sex a topic that is generally viewed as uncomfortable, but it is also controversial.

Where is sex (the topic, not literally, although there is some argument as to where the act is) appropriate?

Everyone has his own opinion on that, but in all honesty, more communication about sex is better. That goes for parents to their kids, teachers to their students and partners to each other.

In this blog, I'll talk about all aspects of sex, and I hope to go beyond what you read in the monthly edition of Cosmo.