Sunday, November 28, 2010


So, are aphrodisiacs real? An aphrodisiac is a food that increases your sexual desire, fyi.

I found a Top 10 List of AlterNet, and a list on Cosmopolitan.
Seems like aphrodisiacs are generally healthy.. So whether this is a cut down on McDonalds kind of ploy or an actual effective way to increase sexual desire, it seems like either result would be positive.

Test them out for yourself. :)


10. Asparagus: ..yuck! I am personally not a fan, but it contain nutrients to help boost histamine (which is necessary to reach orgasm in both sexes)
9. Almonds: just the smell of almonds alone is supposed to arouse females.
8. Avocado: the Aztecs called this fruit the "testicle tree"
7. Bananas: It's not just the shape, but the vitamins that put it on the list!
6. Basil: Next time you're cooking, sprinkle a pinch on that pasta! It's not only stimulating, but healthy!
5. Chocolate: Duh! It helps PMS, is a neccessary addition to your Easter Basket. It seems like chocolate is good ALL THE TIME!
4. Figs: So bring me that figgy pudding! They go wayyyy back in history. This was Cleo's favorite fruit, if you're interested :)
3. Garlic: Repels Vampires and makes people want to have sex.. Huh? This doesn't seem to make sense as you should avoid garlic for fear of bad breath! Garlic does increase blood flow, so make sure you have some mints and mouthwash on hand!
2. Oysters: Why? To put it simply, the zinc content helps produce sperm and increases libido.
1. Honey: Now we know Winnie the Pooh's secret. Good for both men and women!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Radio sex... what?

So we've heard of phone sex, but radio sex?

Dennis Rodman called up a radio station and during his 7 minute interview, he was.. well.. really close to a woman named Teresa.

This made me laugh. I can only imagine what the radio hosts thought.

Happpy thanksgiving!

Today is a holiday for love of family, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives... so show your partners some love! :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Where's the sex for the baby boomers?

Times of free love are gone.

New studies show that 24% of the nation's baby boomers are now unhappy with their sex lives.

The questions is... why?
Well, the study shows that there are different expectations of sex and relationships between genders.

Something interesting I found from this study is that while it surveys men and women between the ages of 45 and 65, the gender differences are very similar to that of teens and young adults.

61% of men in the study say that sex is an important part of the relationship.
53% of women say it really doesn't matter.

This study is just another thing making me not look forward to getting older.. :(

Monday, November 22, 2010

More than sex.

So, does it take a candlelit dinner and a walk on the beach to result in intimacy?

If you said yes, tell me again after seeing this post secret.

Sex is healthy and it can be fun and pleasurable, but today I want to digress from sex. Why? Because sex isn't everything. I think people forget sometimes that sex isn't necessary for a relationship to work, especially when you don't have the option of sex.

Whoever posted this secret, I admire greatly. It's hard to love someone in prison, regardless of the circumstances. It's even more difficult to stay with someone when all you have are visits (sometimes just between the glass).

Love is a beautiful thing. If you're not ready, or do not want to have sex, don't.
If he/she is really worth it, they will wait for you.

This person waited.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Safe Sex Series: Getting Tested

One campaign I think is so great for sex, is the GYT MTV campaign.
When they say GYT, they don't just mean get yourself tested, but also, get yourself talking.

Communication is key in being safe. You need to be honest with your partner and also your doctor.

Getting tested is the first step, but it's not the only step.

Before Getting Tested Be completely open with your doctor.
You need to let him/her know:
1. How many partners you've had.
2. If they've had other partners
3. What forms of protection you've used (and they've used)
4. What kinds of sex you have had: Some tests are swabs and physical exams and they need to know what needs to be looked at!
5. Don't be afraid to give details; it will only help assure you.

Getting Tested
1. Cooperate
2. If you want something tested that they do not mention, ask.
3. Tell your partner to get tested as well!

1. Talk to your doctor
2. Ask Questions
3. Have follow-ups
4. Get Tested if you have unprotected sex

1. If you have an STD, get treated, and be honest with your partner.
2. Do not participate in risky sexual behavior
3. Get tested regularly- Being tested once, does not mean that the test was 100% accurate. Some STD strains do not show up in tests unless you are having a breakout.

1 in 2 sexually active young people will get an STD by 25---- most won't know it.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

iPhone sex

Check this out!

Some Harvard psychologists created an iPhone app to determine what makes people happiest.

The result: sex.

If you want to read the entire article, click here.

While the study hasn't determined why, it shows that not only are people happiest during sex, but also most focused. Exercise comes in second, but then again, they don't call it sexercise for nothing!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Should sex education exist in schools?

Guttmacher Institute determined through research that STD rates drop in areas where sex education is taught.

With that in mind, why do we hear about more and more teens having kids of their own?

In my opinion, not enough schools teach sex education. There is the debate whether it should be taught or not. A school's purpose is to provide an education and prepare for the future.

Students are often offered courses in money management, home economics, family living.. why not sex education?

They all help prepare for your future.

Even schools that provide sex ed typically start by talking about the body changes in 4th grade and in 6th grade move to STD's.

Schools need to consider how in today's world, teens are having sex at much younger ages. Thus, they need to be educated sooner.

Join in on the debate. What do you think?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Is this really helpful?

I am not promoting this video in a positive light.

This PSA was recently released and unfortunately, it seems to promote Bristol Palin an the Situation more than safe sex.

There needs to be more education available and less SITUATION.
Watch, but then please, do some real educational research.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Supersize, please.

"Hi, Can I get a number 4, hold the lube?"
"That'll be 12.99, please pull up to the first window."

Okay, I'm not exactly sure how it works, but the first Sex-toy Drive-thru service has "sprung up" in Huntsville, Alabama.

Convenience at its finest.

I've been reading through some articles and I'm questioning the convenience. News station WTAG says that in order to comply with Alabama state law, consumers must fill out a questionnaire stating the health purpose for such a purchase.

Filling out the questionnaire may just be more awkward than "sparkly dildo" showing up on your credit card statement.

My question is.. What does a drive thru say about Americans view on sex? I mean, now we don't even have to leave our cars to get a sex toy. Are we that lazy?

You tell me. Is this a good idea?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Friends with Benefits Series: Do's and Dont's

While a friends with benefits relationship may seem exciting and you may want to just "go with the flow," don't!

In order to have a successful friends with benefits relationship, you need to be cautious and aware.

Here are some tips:

Finding the Right Friend to have benefits with:

1. Make sure you're comfortable with the guy/girl (from now on, I will just use he). He needs to be someone you have fun with, but you can also talk to, especially if things aren't turning out the way you want.

2. He must be single or in an open relationship.

3. I recommend not going for your ex, especially if it was a serious relationship or you got your heart broken.

4. Do not choose the guy who rejected you in the relationship department.

5. I also would not recommend someone who you are in a professional relationship with (such as a boss, or maybe you're the boss.. not good!)

The Sex Part:

1. Use protection; be safe

2. Get tested and ask him to get tested too.

3. Do not cuddle, snuggle, or be romantically intimate before, during, or after.

4. Please, no holding hands!

5. Keep it at JUST SEX. After all, that's what it is.

In the friend realm...

1. Do not be intimate in public (you should not be intimate at all).

2. Just because you're having sex, doesn't mean you need to talk about it publicly.

3. I would not recommend candle-lit dinners, or obvious couple/relationship dates.

4. There should be NO spending the night.

Problems brewing?

1. If you're developing feelings, get out!

2. If he admits feelings and you do not feel the same, end it.

3. Good sex is not worth a good friendship (even though it may seem tempting).

4. Communicate any problems. Do not assume you know.

5. While you are friends, it shouldn't be someone (like a best friend). So you shouldn't be calling, "just to say hi." If you don't have a good reason, put the phone down.

6. If you're not having fun, screw the fwb relationship, not the guy.

Other tips

1. Be open with what you want from the start. Communication is key. If he doesn't want the same thing, then you shouldn't share the same bed.

2. Stick to the rules. If they were good from the start, there is no reason to change them. If you're unhappy, leave the relationship, don't try to morph the rules to your liking, especially if you haven't communicated this to the guy.

3. If you find someone with dating potential, end the fwb with the other guy. You do not want to create a mess, so make a clean break.

4. Remember, if it's getting too heavy, get the hell out of there!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Faithful men live longer...

Yeah, maybe if your girlfriend/wife/partner finds out the man has been cheating, she may shorten his life, but that's not what I'm talking about! ;)

Apparentlyyyyy men who have sex and are FAITHFUL, have better cardiovascular performances.

Why? Well, the study shows the stress of infidelity in combination with a decreased sexual actitity leads to a poorer performance.

Men produce testosterone during sex and this helps to reduce the risks of heart disease.

Depression and stress (for example from unhappy and unhealthy sex lives and/or infidelity) can lead to an increase in heart disease.

So there you go. Men: Don't cheat, have sex. :)

Click for more!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I love these studies..

I just want to know who find the correlation between sex and [insert subject I would have never thought was related but now it kind of makes sense]...

Well, the newest study... hypertexting and sex among teens goes hand in hand.

"Teens who text 120 times a day or more — and there seems to be a lot of them — are more likely to have had sex or used alcohol and drugs than kids who don't send as many messages, according to provocative new research."

The study states that teens who text more than 120 texts a day are 3.5 times more likely to engage in sex.

The study covered 20 high schools and surveyed 4200 students. The study makes sense, but I definitely think it needs to be looked into more.

Here you me

Monday, November 8, 2010

Friends With Benefits Series: Movies

Finally, some upcoming movies about FWB!

Friends with Benefits, starring Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis is set to come out in July in 2011. While there isn't too much out about the film now here is a trailer:

No Strings Attached, starring Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher is scheduled for a Jannuary 2011 release. Similar to Friends with Benefits, it portrays two friends who seek a fwb relationship. There's a bit more in regards to synopsis available for this film..

It looks like from the trailer, the character played by Portman wants to establish rules for the fwb relationship (very important; I'll touch on this in future posts)..

One thing that makes me apprehensive about both films is I'm afraid it's going to be the typical happy ending, everyone falls in love deal.

This is not usually how FWB relationships work! Be cautious. :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Oral leads to intercourse

I posted about this on November 2, but this article is a bit more detailed in regards to a study done on the correlation between oral sex and intercourse amongst teens.

Read up here!

Friends With Benefits Series: Part 1

I was going to write a blog about friends with benefits, until I realized, I've already done so.

In a prior journalism class, I wrote a story on friends with benefits. It's short and to the point.

This will be the opening to my "friends with benefits" series. defines it as “the best kind of friendship out there” and “two friends who have a sexual relationship without being emotionally involved.” “Friends with benefits” (f.w.b) are sweeping college campuses across the nation. Casual sex is the new black; in a recent study on college students, two-thirds said they had been in an f.w.b. relationship. While the convenience of sex being a phone call and a dorm away might sound appealing, it doesn’t reap all the benefits.

So you get two friends in a room together who share at least a mild attraction and are comfortable with each other. They agree on a no-strings attached, sexual relationship. What could possibly go wrong?

The only recipe that doesn’t stir up disaster is if the two people involved can keep from becoming emotionally attached, which is virtually impossible since there’s already an established relationship. In fact, 65.3% of students who have an f.w.b. said the biggest disadvantage is that feelings could develop.

In most cases, it’s the women who want more than friends and the men who are simply seeking the benefits. Women fail miserably when it comes to keeping the physical and emotional two separate entities. The girl is more likely to get jealous when the guy is out getting a piece from the chick at the bar. She’ll be the one texting him asking where he’s at and who he’s with constantly. He’ll become fed up and know all the right things to say to get under her skin such as, “maybe this sex thing is a bad idea,” and “stop acting like a jealous girlfriend.”

The girl will put up with the sucky scenario for a number of reasons. Women outnumber men on college campuses and it’s more difficult for them to find potential mates. Fear of rejection also forces women to withhold their feelings inside. Admitting feelings that aren’t being reciprocated can also lead to awkwardness and many women just don’t find it worth the risk.

With that aside, let’s say neither one of you experience the emotional rollercoaster of falling for the friend (which trust me, isn’t likely), are hook-ups outside of the f.w.b. zone permitted? 73.3 percent involved admit to not having prior discussions for a set of ground-rules. Rules complicate things mainly because they are a form of commitment and aren’t easy to agree upon. Even with rules, there’s a good chance things will get messy.

So how do you prevent the mess? Make sure you can handle having a sexual relationship with a friend without emotions getting in the way. Try to be honest with each other, and if things get too hot and heavy, get out. It might be called friends with benefits but all good things come to an end and sometimes you have to throw in the towel before you lose not only the benefits but the friend as well.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dudes want sex, chicks want relationships?

True. Very much so.

But also, quite false.

Why can't both genders want both? They can.

One comedian, Stephen Fry is being criticized by feminists for saying that women will only engage in sexual activities because, "sex is the price they are willing to pay for a relationship."

Here's the full story.

Anyway, I have a question, is he right?

Studies show that many women enter friends with benefits (fwb) relationships because they are hoping it will turn into something more. Meanwhile, men simply seek the benefits.

What do you think?

My next post will be on fwb, btw.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Prof. talk about sex, baby...

A Journalism professor at the University of Tampa stresses the importance of sex columns in college newspapers.

To find that he wrote a book on these student writings is refreshing.
In this short Q&A with USA Today, he answers a few questions regarding the columns and how they affect others.

My favorite part of the interview:

Q: What conclusions can we draw about students' sex lives from these columns?

A: These are wonderful sociological treasures in defining this sexual generation. The quote I love most is, "We're not Baby Boomers. We're not part of Generation X. We're generation sex." They're speaking to students in their own language. They cover every extreme possible but primarily grapple with how confusing the current social, sexual landscape is on campus. The general sentiment seems to be that all rules have been thrown out the window. Chivalry is gone, dating is passé, gender roles reversed. There's no blueprint for how students are supposed to act with each other. The columnists are asking, "Is this really good for us?"

To read more, you know what to do... click!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What do you mean I had sex with 4095 people?!?

This chart used to gross me out in middle school.
And then I thought, "How stupid, I'd be exposed to 4095 people if I slept with 12?"

I distinctly remember looking at this poster with one of my friends who responded, "That's what showers are for."

Looking back on this now all I can think is, "Girl, there's not enough soap in the world to wash away an STD."

Once it's there, it's there. I'm not trying to scare people from having sex. Who would I to tell you not to do it?

I'm just saying, safety should always be on your mind.

Here's an enlarged... chart. Perv.

20 preggers freshmen?!

One pissed off dad decided to write a letter to the editor about high schools inadequately teaching kids about safe sex.

I believe he comes to that conclusion with valid points. With this said, I'm going to google around a bit and see how some schools teach about safe sex.

I know, while it is required, we didn't get much at my alma mater. Oh well.

Anyways, here's the link.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Are you married and sleep alone?

Well, if you are, it's more normal than you think. Here are a few facts (or stats) about sex:

It doesn't matter how high your expectations are ladies and gents, the average male penis size is: 5-7 inches long and 4-6 inches circumference

How long should you wait? While you should wait until YOU'RE READY, the average male loses his virginity at 16.9 years old... as for the ladies.. a little older at 17.4 years. This doesn't change the fact that females still have the older maturity level! ;)

12% of married adults sleep alone.. Yes, I am serious.

Is not having the big O normal? 75% of men always reach orgasm; women are shafted (no pun intended), as only about 29% of women report reaching orgasm.

How many people can you sleep with and still not be considered a slut? I have no idea. The average man aged 20-59 has slept with 7 different partners. Women in the same age bracket have slept with 4 on average.

These statistics show, sometimes it's okay to just be average! :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Survey says...

Having oral sex leads to more teens having intercourse sooner.
Well, that makes sense!

However, a three-year study has been conducted to prove this theory.

The study states that teens who have oral sex in high school are more likely to have intercourse at a quicker rate.

4 in 10 teens age 15-19 have had sex at least once.

So, there you have it. For more details on the study, click here!