Saturday, October 23, 2010

84% of readers have done what in the what?

Cosmopolitan is defined as free from local, provincial, or national ideas, prejudices, or attachments.

On, the word is not defined so positively.

Regardless, it's also an adult beverage and a magazine.

I am guilty of getting trappped into a subscription, but it's a fun read. The mag also contains some good facts, tips, etc.

I will get into the pros and cons later; I wanted to give you a little taste of the November issue.

Page 106 has a feature titled, Have You Ever? It's described as the dirtiest sex poll Cosmo has done.

I will type up 5 of these and you can scroll down for the responses...


1. Had sex on a first date?
2. Brought food, like whip cream into bed?
3. Faked an orgasm?
4. Had a quickie?
5. Watched porn alone?



1. Had sex on a first date? 28% have, 14% curious, 58% wouldn't
2. Brought food, like whip cream into bed? 38% have, 53% curious, 9% wouldn't
3. Faked an orgasm? 71% have, 5% curious, 24% wouldn't
4. Had a quickie? 80% have, 18% curious, 2% wouldn't
5. Watched porn alone? 68% have, 10% curious, 22% wouldn't

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