Monday, October 25, 2010

Safe Sex Series: Protection Part 2

So now you have the down and dirty to putting on a condom.

Part 2 on Protection is making sure the condom is effective.

Putting on the condom properly is important, but without these other tips, it will not keep you safe.

Making sure the condom fits: The condom needs to cover the entire penis and must fit snug. Too tight= breakage and too loose = falling off.

So, 1/2 an inch needs to be left at the top to collect the ejaculate.
Remember, the condom should be snug and comfy. Think skinny jeans!
If the condom isn't long enough to cover the entire shaft, he needs a bigger size.

It may seem picky, but I'm all for being tedious if it prevents STD's and pregnancy!

Location of condoms: Don't rely on the guy to have one. Be sure to have your own stash for a number of reasons.
-He may not have one and insist on not using protection
-He may not have a good condom.

What do I mean by a good condom?
1.Always check the expiration date! Sometimes people will eat food a day or two after the expiration date (ick!). Don't use this rule with condoms. Never use one if it's expired.
2. Make sure it is stored in a dry and cool place.
3. If the package looks torn or damaged, get rid of it.
Remember, when it doubt, throw it out!
4. Do not use condoms that are sticky or discolored.

Places where you should note store a condom:
1. In a wallet. While it's important to keep condoms handy, this convenience isn't safe.
2. On a windowsill
3. In your car, especially the glove compartment. Constant temperature changes (particularly heat from the car) can affect the condom.

Good places for condoms:
1. Uncluttered drawers
2. In a protective case in your purse
3. In a travel bag.
4. In the original packaging (sounds like common sense, but just in case!)

Also, always have a few handy. Don't worry, carrying a bunch of condoms is not skanky, it's safe.

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